Xmas Closing: 20 Dec - 6 Jan

Pokon Cactus and Succulent Plant Food - 250ml

R 150.00
Pokon Cacti and Succulents Plant Food
Cacti and succulents require special care. This perfectly balanced plant food has been especially developed for cacti and succulents and ensures healthy growth and a profusion of flowers.

Instructions for use:
• Give the Cacti Plant food once a week.
• Use 10 ml of Cacti Plant food per litre of water.
• Do not give plant food between June and August.

What season?
Cacti go through a period of rest, a period of flowering and a period of growth.
• Rest period: June to August. Temperature between 8 and 15°C. Do not give plant food or water in this period.
• Flowering period: October to March. Do not place in direct sunlight in this period and feed once per two weeks.
• Growth period: After flowering. Temperature between 20 and 30°C. Place in a well-ventilated, light and sunny spot and feed once per two weeks.

Pokon Cacti and succulent Plant food is a solution of NPK nutrients in a ratio of 4-7-7.

• Watering Cacti and succulents prefer natural rainwater. If you do not have access to rainwater, then use tap water at room temperature.
• Repot cacti in small pots every year and cacti in large pots every two to three years. Preferably repot your cacti before they flower in the spring.